Let me help you connect with your highest self, your natural guidance, and your purpose.
Healing is the journey of integrating the deeper aspects of oneself, fostering a transformative connection to inner guidance.
Are you feeling unfulfilled in your life, current job, or a relationship? Do you feel the life you want is just out of reach but you don’t know how to get there? It’s time for a new approach to your personal growth and healing.
If you have tried traditional coaching and you haven’t gotten the results you want or need, let me introduce you to a different, deeper, and more spiritual guidance using my training in indigenous healing and background in counseling.
My unique approach dials down distractions and quiets the negative self-talk that keeps you from connecting to your highest self and natural inner guidance, where you find the path to your purpose.

“Susan Hough is a spirited and resourceful leader, deeply in touch with her indigenous soul. She combines her studies in ancient wisdom with her life experience, to ingeniously create a unique experience for each person or group. Her work is brilliant, inspiring, and healing.”
— Sobonfu Somé, Dagara Elder, Author

Who I Worl With
Learn to trust your intuitive guidance, experience greater peace, and create lasting positive change in your life.
I work with individual clients looking for a new way into their personal growth and healing. I have helped hundreds of clients create the transformational shifts—from identifying and breaking patterns that no longer serve you to integrating the fragmented parts of yourself resulting from past experiences and trauma—that open the door to healing and lasting change.
Families + Couples
I work with families and couples who take the brave step to break individual patterns that impact healthy family dynamics or productive, supportive relationships. We provide a supportive, non-judgmental environment to identify and break harmful patterns, cultivate understanding and acceptance, and heal from past experiences. We create a positive path forward with systems of mutual support and productive communication for a happier, healthier family and partnership.
Teens today face unprecedented challenges. As a longtime counselor to this age group, and as the Executive Director of Wisdom Spring’s Walking for Water, I also know they respond to counseling and can often make healthy transformational shifts faster than older clients. I have a special passion for helping teens find their purpose, leadership potential, and unique path.
About Susan Hough
Susan is a CTI-trained Life Coach with a rich background in therapeutic counseling. She was mentored in the Dagara wisdom tradition by Sobonfu Somé, a revered Dagara elder, with whom she studied and practiced for 20 years. Susan is the author of Walking With Sobonfu and serves as the executive director of Wisdom Spring, a 501(c)3 nonprofit she co-founded with Sobonfu. Through this organization, she has played a pivotal role in installing 55 wells across Africa and India, bringing clean water to communities in need. Susan also leads The Walking for Water Project, an annual fundraising initiative that guides high school students to create the annual fundraisers that make the well projects possible.
Praise for Susan's work.