The Eight Week Course

Welcome home…to you.
This course is inspired by my book Walking with Sobonfu, which shares the story of my friendship with the Dagara elder and teacher, the profound shifts I experienced along the way, and my initiation into her traditions which deeply inform my work.
This course is inspired by my book Walking with Sobonfu, which shares the story of my friendship with the Dagara elder and teacher, the profound shifts I experienced along the way, and my initiation into her traditions which deeply inform my work.
Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help you gain clarity and reconnect with your true purpose. Whether you're seeking healing from past traumas, guidance on your spiritual path, or a deeper connection with the world around you, this course is for you.
The Elemental Energies
How do the Elements help our growth and guide us to our deeper wisdom and purpose?
The fire element teaches you how to ignite your inner fire—your purpose—for personal and professional growth. It also connects you to your personal Ancestors and guides, who keep you connected to your purpose.
The earth element connects you to the earth's nurturing spirit. It centers in your heart, helping you nurture self-love and self-compassion. It guides you to call in and create a positive, nurturing community that supports you in being and living as your highest self.
The water element encourages you to navigate your emotions with ease, breaking down the barriers that block your connection to inner peace. It also guides you in establishing healthy boundaries to maintain emotional balance.
The mineral spirit connects you to your inner wisdom, grounded in your bones. It becomes your ally in silencing negative self-talk, guiding you to release old narratives that no longer serve you and embrace new ones that nurture your highest potential and well-being.
The Nature Element nurtures your connection to nature's ever-changing energy. It supports what you want to grow and manifest in your life and reminds you that magic, play, and creativity are essential to fostering growth and transformation.